Woman's Weekly (UK)

Q Is omega-3 of any use? I see it’s no longer said to protect your heart.


AThe National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) told doctors to stop prescribin­g omega-3 polyunsatu­rated fatty acids because studies show supplement­s aren’t as effective as previously believed in preventing heart disease. Also, a recent Cochrane review of 36 studies looking at depression found any beneficial effect of omega-3 too small to be useful.

Omega-3 fatty acids are still important fats we need to get from our diet, as the body can’t make them from other dietary fats. The British Dietetic Associatio­n (bda.uk.com) provides advice if you look at its Food Fact Sheet on omega-3. These fats are found in high amounts in oily fish, such as salmon and mackerel. If you’ve had a heart attack, you should eat two to four portions of oily fish a week. If you find it difficult to naturally increase the amount of omega-3 in your diet, buy supplement­s.

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