Woman's Weekly (UK)

Move at home too!

Can’t get out much? Follow these tips to help build your step count indoors.


✣ Walk and talk

Do you frequently have lengthy phone calls? If you use a mobile or cordless phone, then get up and walk. You can pace the hallway or do laps of the garden while talking.

✣ Do the chores daily Instead of a weekly clean, do a bit of housework each day to contribute towards your daily step count. Vacuuming and mopping are good chores to get your legs moving – and you’ll have a spotless home!

✣ Schedule it

Set reminders on your tracker, phone or on Post-it notes so that you break up the time you spend sitting down. ‘Every 30-40 minutes, get out of your chair and walk up and down the stairs several times,’ suggests Julie. ‘This will help to keep your legs strong and your heart happy.’

✣ Have a boogie

Play upbeat tunes and march to the beat. ‘Step forward and backwards and side to side to boost your step count,’ says Julie. ‘You’ll clock up the equivalent of one mile (2,000 steps) by stepping and dancing for 20 minutes.’ Clap your hands and sing along to increase the intensity.

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