Woman's Weekly (UK)

Cure on a plate


Your diet is a great place to start making positive – and fast – changes to your health. Not only can it help with avoiding weight gain, it can boost immunity and help your mind and body function well.

‘Good nutrition underpins everything,’ says Suzie. ‘Aim to eat at least five fruit and vegetable servings a day, and choose fish, eggs and pulses over processed meat products.

‘The most common nutrient deficienci­es are iron or vitamin D (37%), folic acid or vitamin C (23%) and

vitamin B12 (21%).’

Small amounts of vitamin D are found in oily fish, egg yolks and fortified foods, but the best source is sunshine on unprotecte­d skin (make sure you don’t burn). It can be difficult getting enough in winter so if you’re concerned, consider a supplement.

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