Woman's Weekly (UK)

Help protect your memory


We’re generally recommende­d to follow a Mediterran­ean style diet – one that’s rich in fish, fruit and vegetables. And both this and the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertensi­on) diet have also been shown to help protect your memory – because hypertensi­on (high blood pressure) is a known risk factor for dementia.

Combining both approaches, researcher­s at Rush University Medical Centre developed the MIND diet. Following it means eating from 10 distinct food groups. These are: leafy greens, other vegetables, berries, fish, wine, olive oil, nuts, wholegrain­s, poultry and beans.

In practice, every day should include one salad, one other vegetable, three servings of wholegrain­s, and one small glass of wine. You should snack on nuts most days and eat beans every other day. Berries and poultry are eaten twice a week, and fish only once a week. You’ll also need to avoid red meat, sweets, cheese, pastries, fried and processed foods, and margarine-type spreads.

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