Woman's Weekly (UK)

Q What’s the cause of gastric irritation?


AThe stomach is normally protected by a mucus layer, just like the mucus in your nose, but this can be reduced by various things in your diet, as well as some medication. Alcohol is a common cause of gastritis, gastric ulcers and indigestio­n, as it strips away the mucus. Similarly, very spicy food will irritate the stomach lining. The commonest medication­s to cause problems are the non-steroidal, anti-inflammato­ry analgesics, such as ibuprofen and diclofenac, but many can cause gastric irritation. It’s hard to measure but stress and anxiety can also lead to gastric irritation. Simple antacids, especially those combined with a protective alginate, will coat the stomach as it heals, and gastric protectors, such as esomeprazo­le, are available from your pharmacy, which temporaril­y reduce the amount of stomach acid you make to rest the stomach lining. However, it’s most important to stop the irritant causes, otherwise the symptoms will simply recur.

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