Woman's Weekly (UK)

Your stars

For 3-9 January with Bracha Goldsmith yourastrol­ogysigns.com


ARIES Keep a 21 positive MAR – 20 attitude APR and you will find that everything and everyone will work in your favour. Life will be magical!

TAURUS 21 APR – 21 MAY You’re going through many changes now. Remember to be kind to yourself and you’ll come through just fine.

GEMINI 22 MAY – 21 JUN This is a wonderful time for meeting new people and for making social connection­s. Wherever you go, you may find people seeking you out.

CANCER 22 JUN – 23 JUL Your health is in the spotlight this week. Listen to your body and pay attention to its messages. If you do this, you’ll generate more energy.

LEO 24 JUL – 23 AUG It’s time for action. No more procrastin­ating and sitting on the fence. Aim to take at least one baby step every day.

VIRGO 24 AUG – 23 SEP You’re in the process of reinventin­g yourself. A whole new you can be born at this time. Enjoy the process.

LIBRA 24 SEP – 23 OCT Many new opportunit­ies surround you. This will involve a leap of faith. Trust your intuition and let it guide you.

SCORPIO 24 OCT – 22 NOV Don’t be afraid to try something out. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. It’s about time, and you’ll be glad you did.

SAGITTARIU­S 23 NOV – 21 DEC Your finances may need you to focus on them. The start of the new year is perfect for creating a fresh structure and to plan for your future.

CAPRICORN 22 DEC – 20 JAN Travel is on the horizon for you. It may be a long-distance adventure, or just a local outing to boost your mood.

AQUARIUS 21 JAN – 19 FEB You may need to make several decisions right now. Do not let anyone else push or influence you. All your answers should come from inside.

PISCES 20 FEB – 20 MAR Creatively, this can be a very productive time. You’ll find great peace and solace if you activate this area of your life.

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