Woman's Weekly (UK)


Kate Whale is founder of The Body Camp


My fail-safe remedy

If I feel bad, I never force myself to feel happy. I just get good sleep until I feel right again. Sleep resets, restores and repairs. It’s good for your brain, cell and mental health. In the past, I’ve suffered from insomnia, but I’ve learned how to manage it. At night, I use blackout blinds to create a completely dark room. I sleep under a heavy blanket for maximum comfort and I avoid alarms or phones near me.

My favourite meal

Butternut squash and sweet potato curry with loads of chilli oil. I could live on it! I learned how to cook to a high level from childhood. I’m now vegetarian 80% of the time, and when I’m running The Body Camp, I follow a plant-based diet. For me, the benefit of eating less meat is mainly because of sustainabi­lity.

How I keep fit and healthy

First and foremost, I keep the basics in check. I walk every day, lift weights three times a week, sleep well, eat well, hydrate and see people who make me laugh. I don’t have a crazy workout routine. I love the outdoors – fresh air and nature are wonderful for mood stability.

My perfect day

I go for an early walk in the Somerset countrysid­e near my home with my dogs Dude and Sailor somewhere beautiful. I love a brunch with friends, then a swim and sauna. In the UK, I live near Babington House [in Frome], and use the pool there most days. In the evening, there’s nothing better than a homemade dinner before watching a good thriller or a Netflix binge watch!

✱ The Body Camp opens on 22 March in the UK, then for 17 weeks from 5 April in Mallorca; thebodycam­p.com

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