Women's Fitness (UK)

Mindful beauty

It’ s tipped to be the future of wellness and beauty and will help you to look and feel great in all seasons


Former supermodel and 50-year-old French wellness sensation, Estelle Lefébure, truly embodies longevity. She enjoyed a glittering career studded with cover girl deals for Vogue, Elle and Cosmopolit­an, and was the face of brands like Christian Dior and Revlon. French women are famed for their good genes – and Estelle undoubtedl­y glows with life. In her new book, Mindful beauty: how to look and feel great in every Season (£16.95, Flammarion), Estelle reveals how she really maintains her natural looks.

For those looking for a quick fix, you won’t find it here. Promoting, among other things, her own ‘anti-diet’, Estelle is a firm believer in balance and realism. ‘Don’t expect me to reveal my top model diet tips. I don’t have any and I never have,’ she says candidly. ‘Frankly, I am pretty much against dieting. Profession­ally, I’ve had the good fortune of belonging to a generation of models with curvaceous figures, at a time when young girls weren’t pushed toward anorexia. These days, if I find I’ve gained extra pounds, I simply eat a bit less and exercise a bit more. The pounds you might be able to lose with a draconian diet will always come back.’ After all, it isn’t one product, one food, or one holy grail secret that has kept Estelle looking the way she does. For her, it’s the coming together of all aspects of life – movement, nutrition, wellness – that culminate in a favourable appearance.

Her approach is certainly not groundbrea­king. Rather, it’s incredibly refreshing in its simplicity. Good food, Estelle says, accompanie­d by enjoyable movement, simple tips and tricks, and a few long-standing hero products can do wonders. The twist? Follow the seasons. A champion of Chinese medicine, Estelle follows a number of principles that change as the seasons do. In springtime, visit a farmers’ market and replace hearty soups with green salads, spring clean your house and drink lemoninfus­ed water for twenty days. When summer arrives, reconnect with nature by walking barefoot, embrace the versatile vegetable celery and protect skin and hair with nourishing homemade masks. A forgotten season – Indian summer – is a time of transition: slow down, meditate, self-massage. In autumn, focus on breathing and hydration to avoid seasonal sniffles, before embracing the cold snap of the final season with winter exercises and innovative beauty treatments.

Encompassi­ng all aspects of fitness, wellness, nutrition and natural beauty, Estelle’s holistic philosophy is clearly working. Mindful beauty is our favourite approach to looking good yet – and here’s how you can do it, too.

Don’t expect me to reveal my top model diet tips. I don’t have any and I never have. Frankly, I am pretty much against dieting

Have a spring detox

‘Have you ever noticed that poor digestion can lead to a dull, yellowish complexion?’ asks Estelle. ‘In Chinese medicine, spring is the season for paying special attention to the liver, which is often the first organ to give indication­s of digestive problems.’ Estelle encourages us to abandon industrial products, animal fats, preserved meats, alcohol and sugary pastries for the season, while also paying close attention to sleep and stress levels. ‘In springtime, I consume only vegetable juice or homemade bouillon on one day a week,’ she says. ‘And I eliminate fat, alcohol and caffeine for at least three weeks, while eating lots of steamed green vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice, to give my liver function a boost.’ Eat seasonally to ensure you’re getting fresh, local produce packed with nutrients.

Perfect your downward dog

The downward dog is beneficial to the entire body, but particular­ly so for the complexion and the area around the eyes as it enhances blood flow.

Find the right hair colour

‘Whether you’re blonde, brunette, or redhead, my top anti-ageing hint is to choose the right hair colour,’ advises Estelle. She recommends avoiding shades that are too dark or uniform (‘these can add years’) and instead opting for an intense and radiant colour with subtle highlights. ‘Stay away from rainbow-colour hair dyes – they are rarely flattering!’ she adds.

Use a good product

One of Estelle’s hero products is the Intense Regenerati­ng Balm with Prickly Pear Seed Oil by Parisian hairstylis­t Christophe Robin, who has cared for the model’s hair for years. ‘It’s a complete hair and body care product that you can take with you anywhere,’ she says.

Make a homemade hair treatment

The secret to luscious locks? Estelle’s banana honey masque. ‘Mash a banana, add three tablespoon­s of honey and a few drops of sweet almond oil – that’s all you need!’ she says. ‘Apply to hair and wait about 30 minutes, then lather with your usual shampoo.’

Focus on your heart

‘For living and ageing well, nothing is better than a healthy heart,’ comments Estelle. ‘Beware of very rich dishes containing an excess of animal fats. If you find yourself suffering from low energy levels, choose lighter foods. Don’t fall prey to draconian diet regimes – just eat properly; it can make you feel young again.’

Keep it simple

Beauty doesn’t need to be overcompli­cated. In fact, Estelle champions a regime that uses simple ingredient­s such as soap and oil. The trick is to ensure they’re good quality. ‘Genuine, unscented Marseille soap is the neplusultr­a for bathing,’ says Estelle. ‘It’s more ecological­ly sound, more economical, altogether healthier and hypoallerg­enic, too. My favourite maker is Fer à Cheval in Marseille.’ r Marseille Soap Flakes, €13.80, savon-de-marseille-boutique.com

Hydrate your skin

Want to preserve a youthful complexion? Estelle says daily moisturisi­ng is the key. ‘I’ve been using Mixa’s moisturise­r for years now.’ £6.90, notino.co.uk

Exfoliate naturally

Exfoliatio­n is instrument­al in ridding the dermis of dead cells and unearthing silky smooth skin. Any method will prove effective, but Estelle’s found the most natural one yet. ‘I have a little vacation beauty secret that’s available to all, at no extra cost!’ she says. ‘When I’m lucky enough to spend a couple of hours on a beach with lovely fine sand, I take the opportunit­y to exfoliate naturally. All you have to do is rub a handful of sand over your body, paying extra attention to areas with rough skin, such as elbows, knees and heels. And nothing beats a dip in the ocean to rinse off afterwards.’

Don’t overdraw your lips

‘Some people will tell you to draw a dark line above and below the contours of your lips to create an impression of fullness,’ says Estelle. ‘This looks dated and the result is generally counter- productive. If you want to make your lips look fuller, nothing works better than a pale coloured lipstick to give an impression of volume.’

Do mouth exercises

Make-up isn’t the only way to maintain a youthful appearance. In the same way we move our body to keep it healthy, Estelle reckons the same idea can be applied to the face. ‘To keep your mouth area firm and toned, there’s little more effective than this little gymnastic exercise,’ she says. ‘Every morning, whether snugly tucked under your quilt or standing in front of the bathroom mirror, make alternate “Ahhh” and “Eeee” sounds – a dozen of each – and finish up with a big wide smile. Nothing beats this routine if you want to start the day on an energetic note.’

Take time to unwind

Varying stresses and strains can leave us looking tired and sallow. Drawing inspiratio­n from Ayurvedic practices, Estelle ensures she always takes the time to unwind – particular­ly in autumn. ‘Sit down in a chair. Raise your arms, fists closed, toward the sky, breathing in through the nose and contractin­g the upper body. Release with a swift movement, opening your hands toward the ground, as if flinging out your fingers, exhaling loudly through the mouth and relaxing the body completely,’ she explains. ‘Repeat 10 times to feel completely re-energised.’

Keep nails short

‘Whether you care for them at home or in a beauty salon, nails should be cut short,’ advises Estelle. ‘In my opinion, nails that are too long add several years to your age. For the normal requiremen­ts of daily life, I think this look is more contempora­ry, practical, and healthy.’

Don’t dehydrate

Dehydratio­n will affect your body in a number of different ways (particular­ly in winter), and will be noticeable both inside and out. Aside from a poor water intake, overly salty and spicy food, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes and sleepless nights can all contribute to dehydratio­n. The solution? As well as upping your water intake, eat seasonal fruits and green vegetables, take postprandi­al strolls and eat meals at regular times.

Pick the right foundation

A paler complexion is normal for winter, so try not to use your usual summer foundation shade – which is likely to be darker. ‘This is a mistake – it will emphasise wrinkles and add years to your appearance,’ says Estelle. ‘Thanks to my daughters, I have just discovered Benefit Fake Up Undereye Hydrating Concealer, which is excellent.’ £18.50, asos.com

Try Iyashi Dôme

The Japanese treatment loved by the French is now available in the UK. A wooden bed with a black carbon ‘dome’ over the top, the 30-minute treatment is designed to make you sweat (as if you’d run 20K, apparently) to break down fat and improve skin. While Estelle doesn’t believe in its weight-loss claims, she does enjoy its skin benefits: ‘Subjected to heat that is milder than what you’d experience in a sauna, the skin is purified and brightened, and muscle tension and minor pains disappear.’

Don’t fall prey to draconian diet regimes – just eat properly; it can make you feel young again

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