Women's Fitness (UK)

3quickfire tips

Kamilla uncovers her must-do �ules


Choose foods high in resveratro­l

Go for fruits such as blueberrie­s, cranberrie­s and black or purple grapes; which are high in the antioxidan­t resveratro­l. Not only do they satisfy a sweet tooth, they also promote good circulatio­n and skin tone.

Set realistic targets

A small change here and there can really add up. Substitute your morning builder’s brew for herbal tea, swap mid-afternoon biscuits or crisps for two pieces of fruit or a large smoothie, and instead of having a can of cola, have a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Becoming more mindful of your choices and making a little bit more effort really pays off nutritiona­lly.

Increase the good bacteria in your gut

Often overlooked and underrated, good bacteria in your gut is essential for wellbeing, your immune system and weight loss. Microbes (good bacteria), play a role in processing food and helping to determine how many calories and nutrients your body absorbs. Fibrous foods such as brown rice and oats will help to keep your digestive system healthy while fermented foods such as sourdough, miso soup, sauerkraut and live yoghurt all contain good bacteria to help balance out the bad.

Whether you’re following your health-conscious friends or nutrition bloggers, remember that everything in moderation is key

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