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Escape and bake does what is says on the tin! Nicola Giles-rowling originally started this gorgeous baking blog to escape the stresses of the day and now it is host to an array of nutritious sugar-, gluten- and dairy-free recipes, so you can bake (without the guilt) to your heart’s content.

Raw Raspberry Cheesecake­s For the crust:

♦ 150g pistachios, plus extra for the top ♦ 150g pecans ♦ 4tbsp coconut oil, melted ♦ 3tbsp maple syrup ♦ 2tbsp cacao powder

For the filling:

♦ 400g cashews ♦ 4tbsp honey ♦ 4tbsp maple syrup ♦ 6tbsp coconut oil, melted ♦ 3tbsp freeze-dried raspberrie­s, plus extra for the top ♦ 150g fresh raspberrie­s, placed in the freezer overnight to freeze ♦ 150g fresh raspberrie­s ♦ 50g raw cacao chocolate, for the topping

1 To start, soak the cashews in water, just covering them. The longer you leave them to soak the better. Ideally soak for 24 hours.

2 Preheat your oven to 160°C. Line a baking tray with greaseproo­f paper.

3 To make the crust blitz the pistachios and pecans in a food processor. Add in the rest of the crust ingredient­s and blitz the mixture again until combined.

4 Press the crust mix into the baking tray and pop into the oven for 10-15 mins. Leave to completely cool.

5 Meanwhile, drain and rinse the cashews. Place in a food processor along with the rest of the ingredient­s. Purée on high speed until smooth and creamy. Stir in the fresh raspberrie­s.

6 Pour the filling onto the cooled crust, and pop into the freezer to set for approximat­ely 2 hours.

7Melt the raw cacao chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan with simmering water.

8 Once set, remove the cheese cake from the bakingtray. Drizzle over the chocolate, then sprinkle on the freeze-dried raspberrie­s and pistachios. Slice into 9 squares. It will store perfectly in the fridge for a week or in the freezer for up to one month.

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