Women's Fitness (UK)


A soothing sequence for feelings of overwhelm


Legs up the wall

Time: 10 mins

Essence: Arrive

Focus: Let go of the day and connect to how you are feeling now. There’s nothing to change, simply be with what is.

Props: Rest your legs against a wall. Place a couple of pillows or a bolster crosswise beneath your hips, a folded blanket lengthwise beneath your torso and use an eye bag.

Heart melting pose

Time: 2 mins each side

Essence: Gentle heart massage

Focus: Let your forehead rest on the floor. Allow your chest to soften and enjoy a mild, releasing backbend. Place your forearms on the floor if more comfortabl­e.

Props: Rest your forehead on a cushion or folded blanket.

Reclining butterfly

Time: 10-15 mins

Essence: Nervous system reset

Focus: Make sure your knees are fully supported (see props) so you don’t place any strain on your groin. Breathe deeply and evenly into the belly.

Props: Lie back on a bolster, rest your knees on bolsters or pillows, place a weighted sandbag on your feet or lower abdomen and use an eye bag.

Alternate nostril breathing

Time: 5 mins

Essence: Balancing

Focus: Close one nostril with thumb or ring finger, breathe out then in, then release. Close the other nostril and repeat. Aim for even in- and out-breaths.

Props: Sit crosswise on a bolster so your knees are lower than your hips. This will help to keep your spine vertical.

Seated forward fold

Time: 5-10 mins

Essence: Inner reflection

Focus: Find stillness in the pose, connect deeply inwards and reflect how you can be kind to yourself over the coming weeks.

Props: Rest a bolster lengthwise on your legs and drape your body over it. If hamstrings are tight, place a rolled blanket beneath knees.


Time: 10-15 mins

Essence: Finding support

Focus: Notice how much you allow yourself to relax. See if you can totally surrender to the earth and let the floor fully support you.

Props: Place a bolster beneath your knees and use an eye bag. If you like, you can place a rolled blanket beneath your chest to softly open your heart area, but remove it for the last 2-3 minutes of the pose.

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