Women's Fitness (UK)



‘Dancefit is one of my favourite ways to exercise. It’s how I found RWL in lockdown, and you just can’t help but feel great when you move your body to music. Plus, it’s an amazing workout – as I’m moving non-stop, my heart rate gets higher in Dancefit than it ever does with weights or even some cardio workouts.’

Do 40 seconds on each move, taking a 20-second rest between exercises. Complete 3-4 rounds of the circuit

1. Quick feet reach-ups

From standing, lift your right heel and punch up with your left hand, then bounce so the opposite heel is lifted, and right heel is down, while also swapping your arms so the right hand punches up.

2. Grapevine

Step out to the right with your right foot slightly diagonal to the side. Cross your left leg behind your right leg. Unwind your legs and step out with your right foot and then, tap your left foot in place. Next, you move to the left side. After you tap with the left foot, you bounce o that same foot and start traveling to the left.

3. Mambo

A mambo is where you rock forward and backwards using one leg to move while the other stays in place. Stand with your feet together, then your right foot steps out in front and you lean your weight on it leaving the left foot on the same spot.

Put your weight in to the left foot while you step the right foot back and put your weight in to it leaving your left foot in place. You can change feet with a cha-cha-cha between mambos.

4. Side reach step-ins

From standing take a little bounce by bending your knees, and as you come up reach your right arm up and over to the left above your head. At exactly the same time, lean your body to the left and straighten your right leg out to the right, pointing your toe to the floor as you do. From here, bring the arm back down and leg back in and take a tiny knee bend, then repeat the arm reach and leg stretch on the opposite side.

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