Women's Fitness (UK)

So long, farewell...

- Acting editor Connect with me at instagram.com/thehealthe­ditor

...auf wiedersehe­n, goodnight! This is my last issue as acting editor (unless Sarah pops out any more kiddies, that is!). While I wrote in the January issue about it being the start of a new year, this issue is the first one on sale in 2024, so a happy new year once more! I also wrote about how I hope to carve out more time for my own fitness, now I no longer have WF under my wing, and I'm pleased to report I'm off to a good start: I did my first reformer Pilates class in the first week of January (doing my DVD had been the aim but the reformer is more effective) and I also went to Ceroc dancing twice and resumed ballroom dancing after a three-year hiatus. What's more, I made myself go to the gym for the first time in ages. I really have no excuse though as it's in my garage (see pic above), although finding time to use it around my husband's PT clients, and my son's after-school activities, is another matter... but hey, I managed 20 minutes on the cross-trainer, three minutes on the Skierg and some free weights. Not much, granted, but it's a start, and I felt better not only physically but also mentally. I can see why cover star Kate Ferdinand exercises as much for mental as well as physical fitness (page 18) as it helps you feel stronger and more resilient – on which note we have an inspiring and heart-felt story about a woman who rowed her way to resilience (page 94).

All types of exercise can make you feel good – dancing does it for me, as you might have gathered – but as we get older, it's important to increase strength training, too (see pages 26 and 30) to build bone and muscle strength, both of which otherwise start to decline. Whatever you're planning to do fitness-wise this year, I hope you make the most of it both indoors and out. I've greatly enjoyed curating content for you, and feel free to stay in touch at instagram.com/thehealthe­ditor. All the best!

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