Women's Health (UK)



A brutal upper-body finisher, this involves doing 100 reps in as little time as possible. Don’t sacrifice form for speed – take rests when you need them so you don’t quit.


Do: 100 reps

(a) Holding dumbbells, palms against your thighs, push your hips back with a slight knee bend to let the weights slide down your thighs, keeping your weight in your heels.

(b) From there, use your hips to initiate the drive upwards, ‘throwing’ the dumbbells up towards your shoulders. This will let you change your hand position so your palms face each other as you catch them in a quarter-squat position.

(c) Slightly bend your knees, then drive the weights straight above your head. Lower them back to your shoulders, then return to the starting position.

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