Women's Health (UK)


WHERE? Courchevel, France HOW MUCH? Stay at White 1921 Courchevel from £450 a night, based on two sharing on a half-board basis; white1921.com/courchevel WHO? Nikki Osman, WH Features Editor


Let’s clear something up straight away: Courchevel 1850 is nice. The highest of the Courchevel villages, it’s the kind of nice where, if you drop your sunglasses off the chair lift, you’ll have to pick up a new pair in the local branch of Gucci. The kind of nice where the hotels feel the need to include details for arriving by helicopter on their websites. The kind of nice where, when you arrive, you know you’ve arrived. I’m not telling you this to brag – my obnoxious Instagram content did that for me – but by way of explanatio­n for the fact that more than once each day, a kindly French man had the unenviable task of extracting my feet from their sweaty ski boots. He is a member of the ski service team at White 1921, a team for whom the raison d’être is enhancing your skiing experience. And anyone within whiffing distance of my left foot could vouch for the fact that this man deserves a pay rise. Your own dedicated boot butler is just one of the ways in which White 1921 succeeds in making you feel like Beyoncé in a winter wonderland. You’ll find your skis ready and waiting by the front door each morning, and forget lugging them over icy cobbles for 20 minutes just to get to the lift queue – the main gondola is just 100m from the hotel. At the end of the day, the Vi-ski experience continues. Adjourn to the library to recline on the most Pinterest-able sofa you’ve ever sat on or slip those sweaty sausage feet ( just me?) into a pair of fluffy slippers and head to the Jacuzzi. I didn’t leave by helicopter, but I still had a nauseating­ly good time.

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