Women's Health (UK)



Suddenly without a cycle? You might be suffering from female athlete triad, a syndrome brought on by taking healthy habits to the extreme. You don’t have to be a world-class athlete to be at risk of this condition, named for its diagnostic trifecta: inadequate calorie consumptio­n, shrinking bone-mineral density and three or more missed periods in a row. What’s happening? Not getting enough fuel for your workouts triggers a domino effect in the brain that halts menstruati­on and puts you at risk of osteoporos­is, which can lead to bone fractures. If your absent periods are accompanie­d by fatigue, fuzzy thinking and a faltering workout performanc­e, use an app like Myfitnessp­al to make sure your exercise output isn’t exceeding your food intake, or see a nutritioni­st for help with meal planning. If symptoms still linger after that, contact your doctor.

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