Women's Health (UK)


Get the low-down on the plank


The fitness world is flooded with unwavering spiritleve­l-worthy planking but, try as you might, your bum is sagging, your arms are trembling and you’re hitting the floor after all of 10 seconds – on a good day. But mastering the plank is well worth it. Renowned for sculpting six-packs, it also works a wealth of muscle groups – including the hard-to-reach deeper abs – and improves balance and posture. Plus, a plank puts much less strain on your lower back and neck than sit-ups, strengthen­ing the muscles that make holding a neutral spine possible and reducing the stress to your back even when sitting. Good news: this is a pose to work your way up to, so there’s no need to spend hours pretending to be an ironing board. Pilates instructor Lindsay Davis-hannibal suggests increasing hold time gradually, starting with

a 10-second plank each day and adding five seconds per week. ‘Between every plank, rest for a minute,’ she says. ‘Repeat three times, aiming to eventually hold three minute-long planks.’ Even better news? You should see results after just six weeks of routine practice, says Davis-hannibal. To make sure you’ve got that plank nailed (geddit?), focus on pulling in your belly button and contractin­g the deep inner abdominal muscles that support your spine and vertebrae. Squeezing your bum helps too. Shona Hendricks, head of sport science at the University of Pretoria, suggests slipping in a plank at the beginning or end of your regular workout. You’ll be ironing-board sturdy in no time.

AVOID IF: You’re recovering from a back or shoulder injury, past your first trimester of pregnancy or recently post partum

 ??  ?? Keep your back and neck aligned and your eyes down to reduce strain It’s up to you whether you clasp or flatten your hands Your arms can be either straight (high plank) or bent at 90° (low plank) Suck your belly button towards your spine, but keep breathing! Align your elbows directly under your shoulders Squeeze your glutes and keep your hips strong and taut – a sagging pelvis puts your back at risk of injury Stay on your tiptoes with your feet together
Keep your back and neck aligned and your eyes down to reduce strain It’s up to you whether you clasp or flatten your hands Your arms can be either straight (high plank) or bent at 90° (low plank) Suck your belly button towards your spine, but keep breathing! Align your elbows directly under your shoulders Squeeze your glutes and keep your hips strong and taut – a sagging pelvis puts your back at risk of injury Stay on your tiptoes with your feet together

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