Women's Health (UK)


A five-move Crossfit circuit with Gustavo Vaz Tostes


Like wellness warriors to the grains aisle, some of the fittest bods around are flocking to the strength temple that is WIT Training. And the man behind the much-in-demand classes at London’s coolest Crossfit box is head coach Gustavo Vaz Tostes. (He also whips the studio’s instructor­s into shape so they can do the same to you.) Former football player Gus co-founded a Crossfit gym in his native Brazil before joining WIT – which stands for ‘whatever it takes’ – in 2017. As you’d expect from a Crossfit competitor, Gus’s exclusive

Women’s Health workout is a full-body burner that uses resistance and body-weight exercises. But it isn’t just the moves that are key to a Crossfit-worthy body. ‘It doesn’t matter where you start in your fitness journey; what matters is that there is progressio­n every week,’ says Gus. Yep, that means upping your weights each session, even just a little, is mandatory if you want to see results. Nothing worth having comes easy and all that, right?


1 | Pick a weight you can safely manage for all moves and reps. Complete five rounds of this circuit as fast as you can. You can take a break and rest as much as you need to until you feel ready to go again.

2 | Do the workout once or twice a week for four weeks, with two rest days in between.

3 | To develop strength and conditioni­ng, increase the load by 5% every week. Keep track of your time – your goal is to keep as close as possible to previous times, even when using a heavier weight.

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