Women's Health (UK)



Designed by Mummy Tribe head of fitness Lulu Adams to recruit the deep transverse abdominis, these moves helped Binky restore her core, but you don’t have to be postnatal to reap the benefits (head to page 116 for more on that) Perform the exercises as a circuit with 30 secs rest between sets. Aim for 3 rounds. Incorporat­e this routine into your schedule once or twice a week


Targets: Deep core Do: 12-16 reps, alternatin­g heels

(a) Lie on your back and lift your feet off the floor, knees bent at 90° over your hips. Breathe in, directing the breath towards your pelvic floor, and let your torso relax.

(b) Exhale and slowly lower your right heel towards the floor, ensuring there is no movement from your lower back or ribs. Draw your heel up to the starting position, then inhale and repeat with the left heel.


Targets: Glutes, pelvic stabilisin­g muscles

Do: 16-20 reps, alternatin­g legs

(a) Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. With your elbows tucked into your sides, bend your arms to raise your fists. Raise your pelvis into a glute bridge position.

(b) Lift your right foot off the ground, keeping your knee bent and drawing it towards your chest, then lower it to the floor. Repeat on the left side as if marching.


Targets: Glutes, shoulders, core

Do: 12-16 reps each side (a) Lie on your left side, propped up with your elbow under your shoulder. Your left knee should be bent 90° and your right leg should be straight, ankle hovering just off the floor.

(b) As you exhale, push into your left knee, raising your hips so that your torso is parallel with the floor. Pause at the top, continuing the exhale as your core muscles stabilise you. Return to the starting position as you inhale.


Targets: Lats, deep core muscles

Do: 10-12 reps

(a) Lie on your back, holding a dumbbell in both hands with your arms straight up above you. Raise your legs and bend your knees 90° so your shins are parallel with the floor.

(b) Exhale, activating your core and keeping your lower ribs down, and move the dumbbell back behind your head. Go as far as you can while keeping your ribs down, then return to the starting position. BANDED KICKBACK Targets: Glutes, core, quads

Do: 10-12 reps each side (a) Get on all fours and hold the ends of a resistance band in your right hand, looping it around your right foot.

(b) Engage your back by drawing your shoulder blades down and activate your ribs by drawing them in. Extend your right leg back, leading with your heel and squeezing your glute. Keep your back flat and maintain your balance so you don’t collapse on your right side. It’s a killer.

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