Women's Health (UK)


Hiranya De Silva, 24, PR executive, Libra


I turned to astrology in my last year of university after I’d been dumped by a guy I’d been going out with for 10 months. I hadn’t previously been into hippy or esoteric stuff but, desperate to know if we’d reunite, I spent hours looking up the compatibil­ity of our star signs online. My searches revealed that as a Gemini (him) and a Libra (me), we were a perfect match. So how come we weren’t together? I tortured myself with this question, eventually paying online astrologer­s £30 per half-hour session for answers. They’d ask for the time and place of my birth and use my birth chart to predict my romantic future. The comfort I took from them telling me that we’d be together was enough to get me to part with hundreds of pounds. I didn’t tell friends or family because, deep down, I knew I was clutching at straws. Astrology fed my obsession to the point where I wasn’t able to rationalis­e my situation – and it probably meant I took longer to get over him. In hindsight, I realise my approach was misguided on two counts: taking advice from random people online without checking to see if they had studied astrology; and taking it all too literally. I stepped away from horoscopes for about a year, but then began learning about astrology from books and reputable astrologer­s, particular­ly the way in which it intersects with spirituali­ty. I’m confident that my belief and the informatio­n astrology has taught me about my personalit­y (decisive; craves balance; fond of life’s finer things) have led me to the place I’m in now. Stronger, self-aware – and, bonus, happily settled with a new partner.

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