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The queen of Youtube yoga on mixing up her fitness, friend dates and her Texan breakfast of champions


Youtube yogi Adriene Mishler


I cried tears of joy during my first yoga class and since then I’ve been obsessed with getting people to come and experience how good it feels to practise. I want people to understand that you don’t have to be ‘good’ at yoga to feel the benefits – you just need to show up. The magic doesn’t happen when you ‘get’ a certain pose, either; it happens when you realise you’re in charge of your own happiness on the mat.


Sometimes up-andcoming teachers reach out to me, asking me how I’ve built what I’ve built, and I have to remind them that I did my teacher training when I was 18 – that was 15 years ago. I’ve worked at every gym in Austin, Texas, where I live. I worked for the YMCA, I taught yoga to children… It was never a case of, ‘Boom! I’ve found my calling!’


I get on my mat most days, but I’ll also take my dog, Benji, for a walk and I try to do one short daily run, too. I started strength training two years ago because I wanted to become a better runner – and to do something new where I wasn’t the expert. I pushed too hard at the start, but sessions with a trainer who specialise­s in mobility and strength training have helped me find balance. It’s been good for my mind to do something that I originally sucked at.


I’m newly single, so if I’ve got a free evening, I’ll meet up with my two closest girlfriend­s, Kelly and Kim. We’ll go for a long walk around the lake before getting dinner, or I’ll go to the local cinema, where

I’ll order a gin and rose water cocktail in the adjoining bar. I feel like Audrey Hepburn when I drink it.


I’m basically vegetarian but if I’m visiting somewhere by the coast I might order some fish. However, lately I’ve been learning more about the impact of fishing on the ocean and I’m questionin­g whether I should fully cut it out. I’ve had phases where I’ve been vegan – except for eggs. I couldn’t be without them.


I make breakfast tacos a lot. My classic is egg, spinach, onion and garlic in a tortilla, which keeps me going into the afternoon.

I’ll snack on a banana and a big handful of nuts, or almond butter on rice cakes, with an Americano. A go-to dinner is a bowl of the big batch of green soup I make weekly alongside a bean and quinoa salad.


For a native Texan, and half Mexican, it’s been really sad hearing our president talking about building a wall. Regardless of politics, what message does that send to another human being? In my Yoga With Adriene community, I try to create a space where people who don’t think and vote alike can come together in a kind, safe way.


The best film I’ve watched recently is Phantom Thread, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. I started my career acting in films and still love the movies. Nothing helps me switch off from work quite like reading, though. The last book I bought was a biography of Princess Diana. It was the only thing available in the airport bookshop!


I’ve never gone to bed without washing my face; no matter what, I’ll make sure

I do a gentle cleanse, tone and moisturise. Right now, I’m using a brand called Cosmetix and some hippie stuff – like a neroli and rose toner. I love using a mask as a treat at bedtime – I was recently introduced to Honest Beauty, which does a good one.


Some influencer­s say one thing and do another. For example, talking about body awareness or self-love but posting images that, in my opinion, aren’t really putting the right ideas in young women’s minds. That’s one thing I love about my friend Karlie Kloss; she walks her empowering talk and her messaging is always positive for young women.

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