Women's Health (UK)


Fire up your fitness and get serious results in just 30 minutes


The full-body workout with serious results you’ll boss in just half an hour

Half an hour might not sound like much, but it’s not too shabby a time period if you use it right. Think about it: get your head in the game – rather than staring blankly at your wardrobe wishing it would tidy itself – and, in 30 minutes, it’s entirely possible to do a vacuum sweep around your entire home, book a Mr & Mrs Smith minibreak or let a face mask do its stuff.

The same goes for sweating. Keep it simple and you can absolutely smash a workout in the time it takes to cook up a quick Nigel Slater dinner. First, be realistic about your timing – and your motivation levels. You can only work with what you’ve got. Next, maximise every session you do squeeze in by focusing on strength to dial up the gains. ‘Weights-based circuits not only burn an abundance of calories, but they also work to increase your overall lean muscle mass,’ explains Chris Reid, national personal training and programme manager at Fitness First. ‘Increasing your lean muscle mass ups metabolic rate, which in turn encourages your body to burn more calories throughout the day, and far beyond just the workout in the gym itself.’

Now, it’s time to get moving. Luckily, we’ve done all the heavy lifting and developed the routine you’ll need. Whether you’re on the road or at home, this minimalequ­ipment plan will hit every major muscle group for a head-to-toe burn in less than 30 minutes. Simply go from one exercise to the next without resting, take a two-minute breather, and repeat for three rounds in total. Let’s do this.

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