Women's Health (UK)


Mesonutrie­nts – the latest nutritiona­l buzzword – are being held up as the explanatio­n for the powers of so-called superfoods. WH puts these mini heroes under the microscope


We zoom in on the unsung heroes behind the superfoods

uch like weekends and Christmas crackers, the hippest word in wellness serves as proof that the good stuff resides in the middle. Meet the mesonutrie­nt. Translated literally from the Greek for ‘inside’ or ‘middle’, it refers to a part of the nutrient you’ve likely never concerned yourself with before – the innards. ‘They’re the active compounds found within so-called “superfoods”,’ says clinical specialist dietitian Holly Dempsey. We suspect you’re already well-versed in the existence of some mesonutrie­nts, and you’ve probably been tapped into this trend long before they got this buzzy new moniker – curcumin, for instance, found in turmeric, is the reason the humble latte had a wellness upgrade. But others (see: berberines, residing in dried goldenseal root) are a little more niche.

So, if we’ve known about the existence of mesonutrie­nts for ages, why are they being talked about as if they’re the cutting edge of nutritiona­l science? While you’ll find mesonutrie­nts in the food and drink (tomatoes, pomegranat­es and berries, to name a few) you put away every day, working these foods into your diet may not be enough to reap the nutritiona­l rewards. Back to the turmeric latte: the mesonutrie­nt curcumin takes credit for turmeric’s anti-inflammato­ry properties, but by some estimation­s you’d have to chug 11 a day in order to benefit from any anti-inflammato­ry effects.

That mesonutrie­nts are often present in such small amounts has given rise to a trend called ‘meso-dosing ’ – using supplement­s to boost dietary intake of mesonutrie­nts. Read on for the DL on the mesonutrie­nts you’ll be hearing more about. Dried goldenseal root latte, anyone?



In barberries and dried goldenseal root, obvs. No, us neither. Until your local Tesco Express catches up, you’re best off searching online for berberine in its naturally occurring – if unusual – forms.

WHAT’S IT GOOD FOR? There’s hype surroundin­g this mesonutrie­nt’s potential to help balance blood sugar levels and reduce cholestero­l. But it’s hype that comes with a caveat: ‘It can inhibit some natural enzymes,’ warns Dempsey. ‘This can lead to worrying interactio­ns with drugs – including countering antibiotic­s – which can even cause cardiotoxi­city in combinatio­n with certain medication.’ We’re talking heart damage, and not the type brought on by a bad break-up. Dempsey suggests seeking medical advice before consuming berberine-containing foods and supps if you’re taking antibiotic­s.


Due to the obscure ingredient­s this meso is found in, it’s best to stick with supplement­s – for now. But expect to see lots more research around this buzzy compound, which should shed light on berberine’s benefits, as well as its risks.


WHERE CAN I FIND IT? Inside trendy turmeric – now popping up mixed into kimchi, kombucha and a hipster coffee near you. Not your scene? Get your fix with an old-fashioned daal.

WHAT’S IT GOOD FOR? Research has proven its antioxidan­t power, which – for a start – boosts skin health and strengthen­s immunity. According to one Nature study, curcumin is a more potent anti-inflammato­ry than ibuprofen and aspirin. The cherry on the turmeric latte? Curcumin increases levels of the brain protein BDNF, thought to combat depression and even Alzheimer’s.


Typically, curcuminoi­d studies use doses upwards of 1g, but that’s the pure stuff. The curcumin content of turmeric is around 3% by weight, so we’re talking 33g of turmeric (that’s 11 lattes). Top tip? Adding black pepper can enhance absorption by 2,000%. Or you could just take a supplement.


WHERE CAN I FIND IT? Channel your inner Prince and pick up some purple produce; anthocyani­ns are found in their highest concentrat­ions in the lesser-known chokeberri­es, black raspberrie­s and bilberries. Stock up on red and blue, too: think cherries, strawberri­es, blueberrie­s, red onions, kidney beans, and the skin of aubergines. (Don’t start skinning your aubergines, though, the flesh is good for you, too.)

WHAT’S IT GOOD FOR? They’re probably receiving the most attention for their brain-protecting properties. One study has linked cherry juice with improved memory and cognition in Alzheimer’s patients. Dubious? Dietitians smell a rat, too. Literally. The most conclusive study was done with rats, not people. There’s actually better evidence backing anthocyani­ns’ role in lowering your risk of cardiovasc­ular disease.


Clinical trials ran with doses from 80mg to 450mg of anthocyani­ns a day. Bearing in mind that you can reap 400mg from a 250g punnet of blueberrie­s (and that kidney bean skins have plenty of it), you’re probably getting your fill as you are.



Is it tea you’re looking for? Good. EGCG – as it’s known in the biz – is the puppeteer behind green tea’s wellness credential­s, although it’s also found in white tea and, in smaller quantities, in a proper cuppa.

WHAT’S IT GOOD FOR? This natural antioxidan­t helps prevent cell damage (which gives it anti-ageing kudos), and has been proven to improve insulin sensitivit­y and balance blood sugar – which may help reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.


Doses ranging from 270mg to 600mg a day have been proven to have healthboos­ting benefits. However, new guidelines suggest that there could be some associatio­n between daily intakes exceeding 800mg and liver damage. No need to swear off the tea, though; it’d take about four cups of top-quality cha (and a fair few trips to the loo) to take your dose to 300mg.



It won’t be the first time you’ve seen red in M&S, but this doesn’t involve swearing at the self-checkout about an unexpected item in the bloody bagging area. You’ll find lycopene in red and pink foods – they’re in their highest concentrat­ion in sun-dried tomatoes, but are also present in fresh ones, as well as watermelon, guava and pink grapefruit.

WHAT’S IT GOOD FOR? Strong antioxidan­t properties come to the forefront again. Keeping free radicals in check and protecting your body against oxidative stress means good news for skin, and bouncing back from colds. More specifical­ly, there’s evidence to suggest that lycopene can raise levels of ‘good’ cholestero­l (HDL) and decrease your levels of ‘bad’ cholestero­l (LDL). Some studies also point to lycopene’s efficacy in reducing skin reactions after sun exposure (tomatoes obviously didn’t get the sunburn-isn’t-cool memo) – but that’s not an excuse to skip the sun cream post-caprese salad.

MESO-DOSE IT Depending on how colourful your diet is, you might not need to. Intakes between 8mg and 21mg a day appear to be most beneficial – there’s around 3mg in 100g of tomatoes. Penne arrabiata, anyone?

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