Women's Health (UK)


It’s a case of mind over matter when it comes to smashing Faisal Abdalla’s killer kettlebell workout


A five-move kettlebell workout with PT Faisal Abdalla

Like a modern-day Mr Motivator (if you know, you know; if you don’t, google it), Faisal Abdalla makes the Duracell Bunny look lethargic. The self-professed Mr PMA – that’s positive mental attitude – is a Nike and Barry’s Bootcamp master trainer and has left the likes of Ellie Goulding and Harry Styles sweating from his HIIT and strength sessions. ‘I’m not a fan of easy workouts,’ he says. ‘I believe in going hard or going home and leaving nothing in the tank.’ Cue ‘Kettlebell Hell’, Faisal’s exclusive full-body workout for WH. ‘Perfect your form before going heavy – the weight of a kettlebell is off-centre, meaning your core has to work a lot harder and you’ll burn fat and build strength.’ Worried your energy levels aren’t quite Faisal high? Don’t be. ‘The workout has a HIIT format, so you’re working to time, rather than reps, which allows you to work at your own pace.’ Remember, it’s all about the PMA.


Targets: Shoulders, core, arms, quads, glutes, hamstrings Do: Beginner: 20 secs on, 40 secs rest Intermedia­te: 30 secs on, 30 secs rest Advanced: 40 secs on, 20 secs rest

(a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the kettlebell bottom up.

(b) Perform a halo by circling the kettlebell clockwise around your head, keeping your torso as still as possible. Sing some Beyoncé if it helps.

(c) Lunge back with your right leg to finish. Now repeat the whole thing on the other side, circling the kettlebell anti-clockwise then lungeing back with your left leg.


Targets: Hamstrings, glutes, quads, hips, core, back, shoulders Do: Beginner: 20 secs on, 40 secs rest Intermedia­te: 30 secs on, 30 secs rest Advanced: 40 secs on, 20 secs rest

(a) Start standing with your feet wide, holding a kettlebell in your left hand, then press it straight up.

(b) Keeping your left arm extended, begin to hinge forwards over your right leg and push your hips back, letting your right arm hang over your left foot – try to touch the inside of your ankle. Stop when your torso is parallel to the floor – you should feel a stretch in your left glute. Exhale and contract your glutes to stand back up. Now repeat.


Targets: Core, back, legs, glutes

Do: Beginner: 20 secs on, 40 secs rest Intermedia­te: 30 secs on, 30 secs rest Advanced: 40 secs on, 20 secs rest

(a) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. Hold a kettlebell by the handle with both hands. Now squat down and rotate to the right so the kettlebell is outside your right calf.

(b) Driving through the heels, straighten your legs and rotate your torso as if you’re about to chuck the kettlebell over your left shoulder (don’t). Immediatel­y reverse the movement to bring the kettlebell back to the starting position. Switch sides halfway through.


Targets: Full body

Do: 60 secs

(a) Start lying down on your back, holding the kettlebell on your sternum in your right hand. Press it straight up so your right arm is perpendicu­lar to the floor. Bend your right knee and place your left arm at 45° to the body.

(b) Drive through your right foot and roll up on to your left elbow, then up on to your hand. Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off the ground, keeping your arm extended overhead.

(c) Sweep your left foot under your body, placing it behind the hand on the floor with your knee on the ground. Then take your hand off the floor and move your body upright, keeping the kettlebell overhead.

(d) Drive from your back foot, through your hips and into your front foot, standing up from the lunge. Now reverse all the way back down by stepping back into the lunge with your left knee on the floor, then sit back and place your hand on the floor just in front of your left knee. Continue to retrace your steps backwards until you’re at the start. Phew. Got there in the end. Now do it all over again.


Targets: Quads, hamstrings, glutes, adductors

Do: Beginner: 20 secs on, 40 secs rest Intermedia­te: 30 secs on, 30 secs rest Advanced: 40 secs on, 20 secs rest

(a) Start standing with your feet wide, toes slightly pointing out. Hold the kettlebell by the handle with both hands at chest height.

(b) Shift your weight to your right leg and descend into a deep lateral lunge, keeping your right foot planted on the ground and your left leg extended straight out. Pause, then drive through your right foot back to centre, before performing the squat on the left side. Job done.

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