Women's Health (UK)

Emma’s wellbeing toolkit



‘If I’m feeling down, I’ll give myself a reality check. I’ll say to myself: what the fuck have you got to be down about? You’ve got three lovely kids, you love your job – stop moaning. Thinking about what you’ve got to be thankful for makes a big difference.’


‘I have a real sweet tooth, and there are days when I just want to eat cake all the time. I counterbal­ance that by trying to eat as clean as I can most of the time. But, if you’re feeling down, sometimes chocolate is the only answer.’


‘Having said that, I’m trying not to eat refined sugar at the moment, so Matt has invented a pudding for me. It’s coconut yoghurt mixed with almond butter and a little bit of cacao powder, whipped up into a mousse, and we have it with berries. It’s so good.’


‘I’m not very good at cardio, because I don’t like getting hot and sweaty and out of breath. And I struggle with yoga because I’m not very flexible and I worry that I’m not doing the breathing right. But I love reformer Pilates – it just works for me.’


‘The last one I listened to was The Naked Professors because Matt was on it. He is actually much more into podcasts than I am, but I do like Fearne Cotton’s one, Happy Place.’


‘I use social media as a time filler, but I don’t get sucked into it. Our rule is that, come 6pm, our phones go on the shelf and the working day is over.’


‘If I’m not in the mood to exercise, then I know I’ll go in there with the wrong mentality. So I don’t do it, but I justify it by doing something else productive. Like sorting out that messy cupboard.’


‘I like biographie­s because I’m nosy. I’d recommend Eric Clapton’s, Chris Evans’ and James Corden’s. I love reading about real people’s lives.’

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