Women's Health (UK)



Do this workout twice a week. For extra credit, tack on the sprint finisher (see over the page) after each session, or squeeze in one or two additional workouts weekly. ‘Adding variety to your routine is key to building strong habits and also ensuring you develop a healthy relationsh­ip with exercise,’ says Reid. Game face, on


Targets: Glutes, legs

Do: 20 reps

(a) Sit on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the ground, and lean your upper back against a bench. Hold a pair of dumbbells across your hips, palms facing down. (b) Pushing through your heels, raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for a breath, then slowly lower back to the start.


Targets: Abs, upper back, obliques

Do: 20 reps

(a) Lie with your knees and hips bent 90°, arms straight up over your shoulders, with a dumbbell in each hand. (b) With core and glutes tight, slowly extend and lower your right leg, bringing your right arm overhead. Return to the start; that’s one rep. Now, repeat on the other side.


Targets: Glutes, legs, core Do: 10 reps on each side (a) Holding a dumbbell in each hand, step your right foot forward and bend your knees until your right thigh is nearly parallel with the floor. (b) Hold for 3 secs, then press through your right heel to return to standing. Immediatel­y step your right foot back and bend your knees to lower into a reverse lunge. Return to the start. That’s one rep; do 10, then switch legs and repeat.


Targets: Core, upper back, shoulders, arms

Do: 10 reps

(a) Get into a press-up position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand. (b) Engaging your core to prevent your torso from rotating, bend your right elbow to row the dumbbell up to the right side of your chest, keeping your elbow close to the side of your body. Pause, then lower the weight back down and repeat on the other side.


Targets: Full body

Do: 10 reps on each side (a) Kneel on your left knee, holding a pair of dumbbells up by your shoulders, palms facing in. (b) Brace your core and push the weights directly overhead, turning your palms forward. Lower the dumbbells to return to the start. That’s one rep. Do 10, then switch legs and repeat. We won’t lie, this one’s a killer.


Targets: Chest, triceps, shoulders

Do: 10 reps

(a) Lie on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. With your upper arms on the floor and elbows bent at 90°, hold a dumbbell in each hand either side of your chest.

(b) Brace your core and press the weights straight over your shoulders until your arms are fully extended. Pause, then slowly return to the start.


Targets: Glutes, legs, core Do: 10 reps on each side (a) Stand on your left leg with your right knee slightly bent and right heel raised, holding a dumbbell in your right hand with your arm fully extended. (b) Keeping a soft bend in the knee, hinge forward to lower your torso nearly parallel to the floor, raising your right leg straight behind you. Pause, then slowly reverse the movement to return to the start. That’s one rep. Do 10, then, you guessed it, switch legs and repeat.


Targets: Glutes, legs, core Do: 20 reps

(a) Hold two dumbbells vertically at your chest, with your elbows pointed towards the floor and your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. (b) Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat, with your elbows brushing the insides of your knees. Press through your heels to return to the start. Time to rest? Nah, on to the finisher.

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