Women's Health (UK)


The model on moving for her mind, skincare battles and the secret behind those power brows


Model Emma Louise Connolly


I like low-impact, very chilled exercise, such as yoga and Pilates. I work out four or five times a week and I tend to see the effects – in terms of length and definition – pretty quickly. Frame in Hammersmit­h is my go-to haunt, but I’ve also started training with PT Will Mclaren. We focus on strength and conditioni­ng and a lot of calistheni­cs, which is fun as I’ve discovered muscles I never knew existed. It’s important to me that I feel strong as well as look toned.


I love food: cooking it, eating it, experiment­ing with it – even at breakfast. My favourite morning meal at the moment is sweetcorn fritters. They’re super simple; you just whisk one egg, a teaspoon of flour, water and a tin of sweetcorn together with some chilli powder and chopped spring onions, then fry it like a pancake. I love cooking for people but, sadly, I’m a solo chef on the day-today, as Ol [fiancé Oliver Proudlock] has his meals delivered by [healthy food delivery company] Fresh Fitness Food.


Ol and I Iove going out to eat. One of my favourite restaurant­s is La Famiglia, just off London’s King’s Road in Chelsea. The menu is classic Italian and it’s just perfect for a cosy family meal. I also love Kurobuta in Fulham, too. Ol and I had one of our first dates there back in 2014, I was so young, trying to be a cool girl and totally embarrasse­d myself. I’d never eaten edamame before so, when he ordered them, I put the whole pod in my mouth. Luckily, he saw the funny side.


I had awful skin until my mid-twenties.

I was using loads of products, but not giving anything enough time to work. I started seeing an amazing facialist, Sanita at Paul Edmonds, who told me I’d overloaded my skin with too many harsh products. Now, I just use Skinceutic­als. Morning and night, I use the Blemish + Age Cleanser Gel and three serums: Hydrating B5, Phloretin CF and Blemish + Age Defence. I’m convinced all the water I drink helps, too.


In my job, I get to work with some amazing make-up artists – and pick up their expert tips and tricks. One of my favourite MUAS keeps a tin of clear soap and a spoolie [like a mascara wand] and just brushes it through my brows. It’s the best method I’ve come across to get them looking full and groomed. Just don’t use white soap – you’ll look like you’ve got eyebrow dandruff!


I travel a lot for work, which can leave me feeling anxious. An app called Happy

Not Perfect – a mix of meditation, mindfulnes­s coaching and breathing exercises – really helps switch my mind off. I do a 10-minute guided meditation when I get back to my hotel room after a long day. Recently, I’ve also been loving the meditation app Calm, which has these sleep stories – like bedtime stories for adults. It sounds a bit ridiculous, but I love how soothing it is.


I’ve been a Puma ambassador for a couple of years and I live in the brand’s workout gear and more casual pieces. My biggest priority when I’m working out is to be comfy. Depending on how I’m feeling that day, and what type of workout I’m doing, that might mean a pair of baggy sweatpants – or it might be a pair of leggings and a T-shirt. I don’t like to think about it too much.


Ol and I went to Nepal three years ago, which was our most special trip. We worked at a children’s charity out there, and spending time with the beautiful, kind little kids was really humbling. Though I travel a lot – for work and for fun – I’m a real home bird. Honestly, I’m most content when I’m in my house on a Sunday afternoon and all my washing is done.

 ??  ?? STATS Age: 28 Job: Model Workout MO: Calistheni­cs Wind-down secret: Plan-free Sundays
STATS Age: 28 Job: Model Workout MO: Calistheni­cs Wind-down secret: Plan-free Sundays

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