Women's Health (UK)

I’m doing Veganuary. Do I need to take a calcium supp?


Well done for being calcium-conscious. The mineral is fundamenta­l for bone health, but also key physiologi­cal processes such as nerve function, muscle contractio­n and the prevention of blood clots. As to whether you’ll get enough when eschewing animal products, that depends on a couple of things. First, how much of the mineral you’ll be getting from your diet. ‘If you’re eating a variety of plant-based foods, such as beans, lentils and leafy greens, alongside fortified plant milks, then you’ll easily meet your recommende­d intake of calcium,’ says dietitian Sam Gould. Try soya milk in your morning oats: most fortified varieties contain 120mg calcium per 100ml – about the same as cow’s milk. ‘Tofu is also a naturally rich source of calcium,’ adds Gould. ‘A 100g portion contains as much as 350mg – half the RNI for the average adult.’ The second factor is if you’re pregnant, breastfeed­ing or menopausal, since you need more calcium during these stages. When you’re pregnant, extra calcium is essential for building your baby’s bones, and oestrogen levels drop when you breastfeed, so you need extra support for maintainin­g strong bones, while the majority of your calcium intake will be rerouted to your progeny. And in the menopause? Plummeting oestrogen levels mean your body will be less able to retain calcium from food. So, consider supplement­ing during these stages. Throughout your life, keep your food intake varied and your alt milk fortified to prevent calcium deficiency. Make sure you supplement with vitamin D, too – your body needs it to metabolise the mineral in question. Class dismissed.

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