Women's Health (UK)


Curls: not just for your hair. Add this living room-friendly move to your legs-day routine to help counter the all-day-sitting curse


Master the hamstring curl to elevate your leg day

Between building biceps and the old twisting-theghds method, you might think you have curls covered. But as most people tend to be quaddomina­nt (that is, the muscles at the front of their thighs take over on leg day), focused hamstring exercises – like hamstring curls – are worth adding to your list.

‘The hamstrings [the muscles at the back of your thighs] are often underworke­d,’ says Jen West, trainer at the audiofocus­ed workout app Withu. ‘Rarely do people do hamstrings­pecific exercises – they usually focus more on the quads.’ As it happens, increased hamstring strength is highly desirable if you run or play sport. ‘Strong hamstrings help you run faster and jump higher, and they’re key to stabilisin­g the knee and protecting the anterior cruciate ligament from injury,’ adds West.

If you’ve never focused on your hamstrings before, you’re in luck: you’ll notice a difference in strength within weeks if you perform this move two or three times a week. Hamstrings respond best to higher reps, notes West, so aim for three or four sets of 15 to 20 hamstring curls.

Ready? Start by lying flat on your back with both heels on gliders and your arms by your sides. Keeping your core engaged, slide your heels towards your bum, lifting your hips and tilting your pelvis under and up – your knees should be bent and your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for a second, then slowly slide your feet back out to the starting position. Don’t let your lower back or hips touch the floor as you extend your legs for an added challenge.

No gliders or sliders? No problem. ‘They’re useful but not essential,’ says West. ‘If you’re doing these on a wooden floor, put some fluffy socks on or a towel under your feet and slide away.’ You heard the woman.

You have existing lower-back pain. Keep your core tight and tuck your pelvis under and up to ensure your hammies and glutes do the bulk of the work.

 ??  ?? Keep your shoulders and knees in a straight line
Engage your core
Lift your hips high and tilt your pelvis under and up
Keep your feet flexed
Keep your shoulders and knees in a straight line Engage your core Lift your hips high and tilt your pelvis under and up Keep your feet flexed
 ??  ??

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