Women's Health (UK)



Editor-in-chief of Women’s Health UK (@clairesand­erson)

I’ve always enjoyed exercise. Despite a long battle with body confidence, working out never fails to make me feel better about myself.

I’m naturally competitiv­e, so I was very sporty when I was younger. In my twenties, I exercised to burn calories to be smaller; I was scared to pick up weights in case they bulked me up. After joining

Women’s Health in my thirties, though, I discovered the value of strength training. I love how powerful it makes me feel, and the way it makes me look. Even if my weight fluctuates, my glutes and legs remain defined, my shoulders strong and my arms toned. Cardio is also essential for heart health and I love the endorphin rush it gives me, so I train six days a week, doing a mix of cardio and strength sessions. It’s taken me until 43 to appreciate how remarkable my body is – what it enables me to do and what it’s helped me to achieve. Life is busy but when I’m in my workout gear, ready to get a sweat on, I feel at my most accomplish­ed. I prefer to remove my body hair before working out, so I use the Philips Lumea IPL device as part of my regular self-care routine. It helps me stay hair-free for longer, it’s incredibly easy to use and gives me that extra confidence boost.

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