Women's Health (UK)

How to own your fitness goals

Want to turn exercise from a chore to a habit? Davina shows you how


Make a plan

On a Sunday night, write down in a planner, on a whiteboard or in a diary what type of exercise you’re going to do and on what day during the week. Look back at your previous entries, too. You’ll be able to see how much you’ve achieved or how far you’ve come, especially if you’re on a weight-loss journey.

Recruit your workout buddy

Commit to working out with a friend – either in person together or on Zoom. If you know that someone else is getting up at 6.30am on a Tuesday morning to do the workout with you, you’re going to be more motivated to get up and do it with them, too.

Have a weekly goal review

Now you have your workout pal, set up a weekly catch-up with them. It can be over Zoom or in person, with a glass of water or wine. The point is to discuss how you’ve done with your workouts, set any new personal bests and make a plan for the week ahead.

Adopt a speed dating mindset

New to exercise and don’t know where to start? Try a few things out. If you don’t like something, don’t do it again. When you do find a workout you like, make it a habit. If you like rowing, you could join a club; if you like cycling, perhaps you want to sit on a Peloton bike.

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