Women's Health (UK)

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HRT has come a long way since the scaremonge­ring of the 1990s, when inadequate­ly executed and interprete­d research linked the hormone therapy with cancer. Recently, campaigns headed by Davina Mccall and Mariella Frostrup, among others, ensured the cost of prescripti­on charges for menopause treatment were cut. Here’s what every woman needs to know now, according to Dr Stephanie Faubion, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Centre for Women’s Health:

1 Not everyone requires HRT

In fact, if you sail through perimenopa­use with minimal symptoms, your GP probably won’t even mention it to you. ‘We use HRT only if it’s necessary,’ says Dr Faubion.

2 It doesn’t involve hormone overload

With HRT, you’re getting roughly onefifth of the oestrogen that’s in the pill. ‘A lot of women don’t realise that if they’ve ever taken hormonal birth control, they’ve already taken higher doses of oestrogen than what’s used for menopause symptom management,’ says Dr Faubion.

3 HRT brings other benefits

While it’s only prescribed to treat menopause-related issues, research shows it can also strengthen your bones and protect your heart. It may also protect brain regions that are vulnerable to Alzheimer’s, found a recent study. ‘The benefits far outweigh the risks for women in their fifties,’ says Dr Faubion.

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