Women's Health (UK)

Dial it up


Fiery workouts amp up heart rate and body temperatur­e, so there’s more recovery work to be done afterwards. Which means EPOC is on the scene (note: also why rest days are crucial). ‘The simplest way to think about intensity is the talk test,’ Dr Pryor says. ‘You want to not be able to hold a conversati­on while you exercise.’ The following methods will help bring you to that point:

TWENTY MINUTES OF HIIT High-intensity interval training is generally recognised as an efficient way to boost EPOC. This could be a class that alternates high-energy and recovery periods, or even a run with sprint intervals paired with bouts at a slower pace.

A HEAVY-WEIGHT CIRCUIT Choose 10 exercises that, in total, work your whole body. Then, for each move, grab the heaviest weight you can lift for 10 reps. Do 10 reps of each, making the eccentric (lowering) phase of your reps four seconds long.

INCLINE WO R K Increase the grade on your treadmill or the resistance on your bike, or add hill sprints to a run to challenge your muscles and cardiovasc­ular system even more.

RESISTANCE RUNNING Do high knees using a resistance band (wrap it around a bedpost to anchor) or side shuffles with a weighted vest for a bigger EPOC pay-off.

WALKING ON SOFT SURFACES Seriously. Taking your feet to plush ground, such as snow and sand, requires more muscle contractio­ns to maintain the same pace, Dr Pryor says. ‘Essentiall­y, you become less efficient and more energy is expended.’

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