Women's Health (UK)

Life post-p45

Future-proof your mental health as a freelancer


Establish boundaries

‘Having physical space between your working areas and your living areas is the best way to begin establishi­ng boundaries,’ says Dr Babb. ‘Even if you work from your bedroom, have a dedicated work corner that you can step away from. Then it’s a case of making sure you move throughout the day.’

Find your network

‘Networks – particular­ly people who are in a similar position to you – are invaluable,’ says Knight. ‘Even if you’re not actively part of the community – just listening can be incredibly reassuring. You hear about other people’s difficulti­es with clients, taxes or IT systems and it really combats feelings of isolation.’

Ride the highs and lows

‘A great practice is to write down how you’re feeling throughout the week,’ says Knight. ‘Just a word or two in a journal. Then, at the end of the week, spend 15 minutes reflecting. Next comes figuring out how you can switch up the tasks that aren’t working and build more uplifting tasks into your week.’

Schedule time to celebrate

Avoiding ‘endurance fatigue’ is, according to Dr Babb, a case of celebratin­g the small wins. She argues that you should set aside time in your week to reflect on what you’ve achieved. ‘Be specific and reward yourself with a treat. You’re doing something really hard, you need to keep the journey interestin­g.’

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