Writing Magazine

A virtual writing retreat


This year, like so many other planned events, Coney Island Writers had to review and revise our ideas for our annual writing retreat, just as a good writer edits and re-edits their work, writes Morna Sullivan.

But what is a virtual writing retreat really like?

Coney Island Writers participat­ed in their annual writing retreat in August – but this year it was different. They socially distanced (by miles!) and held virtual Zoom calls on the Saturday morning to group together and discuss what they might work on – either a writing prompt and exercises or something they were already working on. Later that evening they caught up again over a drink for a virtual discussion and some members shared pieces they had been writing. On Sunday morning they met up again with another writing challenge focusing on acrostic poetry. That evening they rounded off the retreat with another virtual meet up over a drink which included reflection­s of the weekend.

What was the same?

• The sun shone all weekend

• Coloured pens were purchased

• We ate well

• We received support from each other

• The ‘craic’ was good

• We wanted to write

• There was no pressure to write

• We laughed

What was different?

• The views– we missed scenic Coney Island

• The accommodat­ion

• The food

• We missed each other’s company

• More distractio­ns from ‘life’

• A level of anxiety hovered in the background In spite of the difference­s this year, it remained a good experience to participat­e in the virtual retreat. In these disorienta­ting times it has been so important to nurture our writing connection­s in this way and these solid friendship­s are very grounding when everything around us seems to be going mad. We still managed to get some space to write, review our work, develop new pieces, consolidat­e our ideas, edit, submit and most importantl­y enjoy writing.

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