Writing Magazine

Book Club for Hazel

- By Tina Jackson

Longtime subscriber Hazel Prior’s second novel, Away With The Penguins, has been chosen for Richard and Judy’s Book Club.

‘I have to keep pinching myself,’ said

Hazel. ‘This has been a marvellous boost and it’s a real privilege to have my book picked out of all the thousands. I was given a private Zoom meeting with Richard and

Judy, who chose the novel themselves from a final shortlist. I introduced them to my feline writing companion, Purrsy (who wasn’t impressed and promptly fell asleep) and we chatted about Exmoor, books, and of course, penguins!’

Hazel’s debut novel, Ellie And The Harp

Maker, only came out last year. ‘Inspired partly by the fact that I had a two-book deal with Penguin and partly by a friend’s marvellous penguin photograph­s, I decided to write my second novel based around these fascinatin­g birds,’ she said.

Away With The Penguins tells the story of feisty octogenari­an millionair­ess, Veronica McCreedy, and her adventures in Antarctica. ‘A small group of scientists and the penguins they study lead to a thawing of Veronica’s hardened heart,’ explained Hazel. ‘It is a fun, uplifting read but also addresses serious issues about climate change, ageing, and the importance of family and community. It’s a story full of hope. I want my writing to say something important, but also to entertain readers and help them feel better about life. I always turn to books myself during hard times and when I started writing I decided that I’d try to put something life-affirming out there. That has become more important than ever during these worrying times.’

Writing Magazine has been pivotal in Hazel’s path to publicatio­n success.

‘My writing journey began in 2014 when an acquaintan­ce lent me her Writing Magazine and I entered a short story competitio­n that was entitled Win Your Way To Swanwick,’ she said. ‘To my immense surprise and delight, my story came first. I won a free week at Swanwick Writers’ Summer School, learned oh-so-much and made wonderful friends who have supported me through all the writing ups and downs – and there have been many!’

Away With The Penguins was selected as a BBC Radio 2 Book Club pick earlier this year. ‘I had a conversati­on live on air with Jo Whiley in April. Richard and Judy’s Book Club is run by WHSmith, so Away With The Penguins will now be stocked in all the branches of Smiths up and down the country as well as in Waterstone­s and other bookshops.’

Hazel hopes her writing adventures will inspire other writers. ‘From browsing the pages of Writing Magazine that first time to getting published and now this lovely surprise, my writing life has been a real adventure. I hope your subscriber­s will realise that if I can do it, so can they.’

Website: www.hazeltheha­rpist.co.uk

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