Writing Magazine

A strong blend

- PDR Lindsay-Salmon

Coffeetown Press was founded in 2005 in Seattle, Washington, publishing ‘memoirs, literary fiction, academic nonfiction, historical nonfiction, and literary mysteries’.

They want ‘strong voices in nonfiction, including memoir,’ as well as ‘literary fiction and historical fiction’. They prefer memoirs about ‘growing up in other cultures or have a strong theme that will appeal to a specific audience’. And they do prefer authors with ‘a developed author platform’, ie use social media and have a few followers.

Books should be 70,000-100,000 words, although shorter, 50,000-70,000, will be considered. Unagented and agented submission­s are welcome and out of print books by establishe­d authors might be considered, but not books published as ebooks.

When submitting memoir and nonfiction submit a package including an introducti­on, outline, and the first three chapters, although ‘the full manuscript is best’. Also supply a list of photos, illustrati­ons, or other supporting materials the book needs but don’t send the originals.

Make a note of ‘the target audience, marketing ideas, and an indication of how you would help promote the title’ and a list of competitiv­e titles. Attach a synopsis and biography, don’t paste them in the body of the email.

Submit the whole package as pdf or doc files by email: jennifer@coffeetown­press.com

Read and follow the detailed submission guidelines. Response time is slow. Rights and royalties are discussed on acceptance.

Website: http://coffeetown­press.com

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