Writing Magazine

Stellar scifi wanted

- Gary Dalkin

Constelaci­ón is to be a new quarterly bilingual speculativ­e fiction magazine, publishing stories in both Spanish and English. The editorial team, led by co-editors Coral Alejandra Moore (based in the USA) and Eliana González Ugarte (in Paraguay), say that writers can submit their stories in either language. With two translator­s, Libia Brenda and Cristina Jurado, all accepted stories will be published in both English and Spanish.

The next reading period will be 15 December-1 January, for stories on the theme of ‘Myths and Monsters’. Submission­s should be no longer than 6,400 words. The theme is open to interpreta­tion, as long as the stories fit under the speculativ­e fiction umbrella. Submit stories in English or Spanish.

Payment is 8¢ per word for six-month world first exclusive rights and translatio­n rights.

Check the full guidelines for future reading period dates: the theme for issue #3 is ‘Beyond the Stars’ and for #4, ‘Love Needs No Translatio­n’.

Submit through the website: www. constelaci­onmagazine.com

Translator­s who can translate from English to Spanish and vice versa are also required, earning 4¢ per word.

Send both general enquiries and enquiries about translatio­n work to hola@constelaci­onmagazine.com

if they have a complete manuscript. Send ten pages of poetry. Successful manuscript­s will be published in 2022. The closing date is 31 January.

Website: https://badbettypr­ess.com/subs/

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