Writing Magazine

Boutique agency seeks authors

- Jenny Roche

Seeing itself as literary agency with ‘a boutique feel’, London based Mushens Entertainm­ent is open to submission­s from debut, establishe­d and self-published writers and you may submit to one of their two agents but not both.

• Juliet Mushens is only looking for adult fiction and young adult (YA) and this can be thriller, crime, ghost stories, historical fiction, scifi, fantasy, romcoms, reading group fiction and high concept novels. She is particular­ly keen to see ownvoice narratives. ‘I’m probably not the right agent for satirical novels, spy thrillers and novels which deal with angels/the afterlife’ she says. She is also not in the market for non-fiction, illustrate­d books, children’s fiction with the exception of YA, poetry, short stories, novellas, erotica and unfinished novels.

Email Juliet with a pdf or doc file of the first three chapters/first fifty pages of your book, an attached synopsis and a cover letter in the body of the email to:


• Silé Edwards is keen to hear from experts in their field who can ‘write about what they know in a way everyone can understand, appreciate and enjoy,’ and her main interest is in non-fiction which ‘informs our understand­ing of the world, society and the way we live’. This can include emotive life writing, topical essay-like writing and projects on cookery and food. She will also consider all genres of fiction and is particular­ly interested in crime thrillers, romantic comedies, poetry and upmarket fiction. She is not interested in submission­s of graphic novels, picture books, erotica or novellas.

Email Silé with a covering letter in the body of the email, a pdf or doc file of your non-fiction proposal with optional sample chapters. For fiction attach a synopsis and a pdf or doc file with the first three chapters, fifty pages or 10,000-15,000 words of your book.

Email Silé Edwards: sesubmissi­ons@mushens-entertainm­ent.com

Website: www.mushens-entertainm­ent.com/submission­s

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