Writing Magazine

Write for life

- MIKE WALLIS Chesham, Bucks

In 2019 I was diagnosed with dementia.

I have always enjoyed writing, entering competitio­ns in your magazine, and a weekly creative writing group that I belong to locally.

After quite a lot of tests, both medical and intellectu­al, I was diagnosed with Frontal Temporal Dementia.

So after googling my symptoms, and frightenin­g myself half to death, I proceeded to go into a very dark place.

Short-term memory loss was one of the first symptoms but with some care and thought, I was able to manage that part of the problem.

After a discussion with my consultant about my writing, he was very positive about keeping on, saying,

‘The brain is a muscle, so use it or lose it!’

He believed that writing stimulates the creative side of the brain, which keeps the neural pathways in the brain stimulated, which is very important.

So, after giving myself a good talking too, I decided that writing is a passion that I have enjoyed for years, so why stop doing something I really enjoy, especially if it also helps to keep this horrible invader at bay.

Since last year, I’ve been talking to lots of people about this dreadful illness, and was very surprised how many people were showing early signs, but were too frightened to talk to their friends, or doctor.

They could also not have it at all, so seeing a doctor could put there minds at rest.

So if my story helps just one person to come to terms with this wicked disease, I’ve achieved something.

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