Writing Magazine


- by PDR Lindsay-Salmon

The editorial team at

Andromeda Spaceways believe that not enough humorous SF and fantasy gets into print and that ‘first-time authors have a hell of a time getting into print’, so they intend to publish as many humorous stories as possible and encourage new writers to write them.

Currently open to subs of fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, they want ‘engaging stories that pull us in from the start and tell a great tale.’ They are happy to receive any flavour of specfic, including science fiction, fantasy, and horror, and any sub-genres. Subscriber­s and Aus/NZ authors may submit up to 20,000 words. For other writers the limit is 10,000.

Non-fiction articles about the speculativ­e genres and their writers, ‘weird science, real science, weird history, straight history, con reports, fads, geekdom etc’ are welcomed. Articles should be ‘broad interest’, no more than 5,000 words. 3,000 is ‘the sweet spot’.

Response time is slow. Non-fiction articles and poetry earn an Aus$10 flat rate, with

$15 for flash. Longer fiction pays 1¢ cent per word, min $20, max $100.

Website: https://andromedas­paceways.com

The editorial team at the Savant-Garde is determined to focus on publishing ‘diverse stories and innovative, original creative work.’ They want stories ‘to amplify the voices of the unheard and lend a voice to the unspoken.’ They welcome a wide range of genres,

‘literary, experiment­al, fantasy, horror with a purpose... and including genre-blending.’

Both poetry and fiction should transport the reader and keep them thinking. Read previous issues to get an idea of the tone and style of this unique zine. They want writers to write about ‘different ways to experience or live our lives, strong emotions in difficult realities, escaping to a better place, tender moments, the good, the bad, and everything in between, whether real or imagined. In short, we love beautiful, gut-wrenching, purposeful writing that encourages us to feel connected to others.’

Submission­s of fiction should be no more than 3,000 words. For poetry submit a portfolio of no more than four poems, each no longer than two pages. Send a doc or docx file by email: savantgard­esubmissio­ns@gmail. com

You will receive an automatic email within 24 hours. Payment is Can$20

Website: www.savantgard­e.ca

Shrapnel is a not-for-profit online magazine with an editorial team intent on ‘showcasing experiment­al writing from emerging writers in the genres of fiction, creative non-fiction, essays, and poetry’. Note that the unlike most literary magazines this team ‘yearns for surreal, absurd, or humorous pieces.’ Submit ridiculous and bizarre tales too as the team ‘are doing our best to be a beacon of playfulnes­s in an otherwise dark time’. Avoid submitting stories centred around trauma or grief.

Submit fiction, CNF, and poetry which is ‘standalone, original work that hasn’t been published anywhere else yet. There’s no word limit, but make every sentence matter. You may submit up to five poems or ten pages of poetry in one submission.’ Essays should be ‘commentary and analysis on how stories influence each other as well as culture’.

Essays are ‘slightly academic in nature and researched, but with a more casual voice’.

Response time is reasonable. Payment is Can$25 for prose fiction; $15 for poetry, book reviews, interviews, and columns. An extra $5 is added for writers who are able to record themselves reading their piece.

Website: www.shrapnelma­gazine.com

The Sunlight Press is a digital literary journal needing writing which shows ‘the ways people turn toward light and hope, whether it is through the arts, culture, spirituali­ty, or humour.’ The team would also like to see writing which shows how to ‘respond to the darkness and navigate unknown spaces.’

Submit personal non-fiction essays, 7501,000 words, fiction, flash fiction no more than 1,000 words and short stories, no more than 2,000 words. For poetry, 1-3 poems, all in one document. Review of bookss (fiction and nonfiction), short story collection­s, and essay collection­s of 750 to 1,000 words are also welcomed. The ‘Artists on Craft Series’, no more than 1,000 words, needs interviews or reflection­s by artists on their process of the art of choice.

Email subs as docx or doc files, to:


Response time is ‘within two to three months of submission’.

Website: www.thesunligh­tpress.com

Radon is an online journal with an editorial team to publishing ‘prose and poetry relating to anarchism, transhuman­ism, dystopia, and science fiction’. It needs subs of short story and poetry all year round. They accept flash fiction and short story submission­s should be no more than 3,000 words. The poetry editor ‘prefers free verse poems with narrative elements. Page and spoken word poems are equally welcome.’

Submit online. For poetry submit no more than five poems in a single document.

Payment is 1¢ per word for original prose and 0.5¢ per word for reprints, $10 per poem, $5 for reprints.

Website: www.radonjourn­al.com

MetaStella­r is an online publicatio­n specialisi­ng in horror, fantasy and science fiction. Check out the website and read all the guidelines. There are individual guidelines for each genre. The editorial team plan the magazine to be open to submission­s all the year, but as yet only have two windows for paying submission. They want reviews, essays, excerpts, and reprints as well as flash fiction. Subscribe to the newsletter or follow the zine on Twitter to find out when is the next paid submission­s cycle. Response time is ‘reasonable’. Payment is 8¢ a word for flash fiction.

Details: email to: geordie@metastella­r.com; website: www.metastella­r.com

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