Writing Magazine

Comic creatives wanted for Komedia


The Treason Show began life at Brighton’s Komedia in 2000 when a group of creatives put on a comedy show with the idea of ‘trying one a month for three months and see what happens’. Success happened and the show has a loyal following and now a broadcast TV series. The Treason Show goes on, even during the pandemic.

The team are always looking for new writers to join the team. Comedy has to be fresh and so new pieces are needed daily. The group love parodies of songs to well known tunes, short topical sketches, monologues, running gags, one liners and captions, that is jokes about a picture.

The team ‘pay peanuts’ but ask writers to understand that getting ‘published’ by The Treason Show is ‘a writing credit that is taken notice of by BBC Comedy and other TV and radio shows’. The writing team hold regular writers’ meetings both online and in the pub. Visitors are welcome if they are in Brighton. The guidelines are simple: If it’s news based, topical, satirical, short and sweet with a punchline ending they want it.

Sketches should be around two pages. Parody songs have to have funny lyrics and a well know tune. Try to get the title as close to the original, eg: ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ became ‘Totally Sh*t Modern Art’. Try to have a humorous take on a topic in the news or a well known politician, celebrity or character who’s in the news. Do avoid repeating the chorus, and keep a good flow. One liners are basically gags.

Submit by email, two sample sketches and/or a sample parody song, to: newsubmiss­ions14@ treasonsho­w.co.uk

Put FAO Script editor - New writer in the subject line and expect a quick response. Payment is by a points system. ‘A percentage of the box office from the show is given over to the writers pool and the writers who get material in the show get a share of this. The share of the spoils is roughly, 3 points for a song, 2 for a sketch and 1 for a one liner. (roughly £3 for a song or a sketch £2 for one liners.’

Website: www.treasonsho­w.co.uk

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