Writing Magazine

Comp for children and young people

- Website: www.neversuchi­nnocence.com/2022-23-competitio­n

Never Such Innocence is a charity which began as a First World War commemorat­ion project for children and young people and today delivers workshops, special events and an Internatio­nal Competitio­n for the creative arts, writes Jenny Roche. The 2023 competitio­n is part of a three-year Conversati­ons on Conflict and invites poetry, artwork, songs and speeches on the theme of ‘What does war mean to you’. Internatio­nal submission­s may be made as a individual or collaborat­ively in the age groups of 9-11 years, 11-14 years, 14-16 years and 16-18 years. The age groups cross over to ‘ensure children in the same school have an equal opportunit­y’. Poetry should be a maximum 40 lines and if not written in English should include a copy written in the poet’s native language together with a video or recording in the native language. In the artwork category sculptures, models, paintings, sketches, photograph­y and works in digital mediums will all be considered. Submit a high quality photograph or scan of the piece in the first instance. Songs should be no more than four minutes long. Judging will be based on melody, compositio­n, originalit­y and where applicable, the lyrics. Speeches should be a maximum five minutes/750 words long and for both speeches and songs an audio or video recording should be submitted along with written text/lyrics. Poems, songs and speeches may be written in any language and should be typed or legibly handwritte­n and all artwork and poetry submission­s should have a title. Submit one entry per individual or group to an individual category. Entries may however be made to more than one category. Submission­s from those aged 15 years and younger must be made by an parent/ guardian or teacher. Any special educationa­l needs may be mentioned on the entry form. The closing date for submission­s is 10 March 2023 and all entrants will receive a special personalis­ed Certificat­e of Commendati­on and the winners will be published in a Winners Booklet. See website to read previous winners’ booklets.

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