Writing Magazine



For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed writing fiction stories, writes subscriber Peter Mitchell. As a classroom dreamer at my secondary modern school it seemed such a natural thing for me to do. But they said I was a hopeless case.

My English teacher, an ageing dragon, had one aim in life – to make my life hell – insisting I wrote joined-up letters in a regimented upright style. The contents of the essay didn’t seem to matter much to her. I had to use a school-issue ink pen with a yellow plastic shaft and scratchy nib, which I constantly dipped into a porcelain desk-top inkwell. Thirty other children seated around this torture chamber did the same in complete silence, hoping this overpoweri­ng teacher wouldn’t target them.

Worse was the horrible smell of sodden ink soaking into a crumpled piece of blotting paper and the unexpected ‘friendly fire’ from a classmate who liked to dispatch this blue wet blob onto the back of my head when our teacher wasn’t looking.

After leaving state school in 1969, with no qualificat­ions, my education blossomed. I attended technical college and found that most lecturers preferred the content of my written words rather than the discipline­d penmanship my old school mistress had demanded. But I have to say, even today, people often tell me my handwritin­g is immaculate. So I must accredit it to my once-feared English teacher.

Fast forward to my retirement after a lifetime career as an electricia­n. I have written four books with two more in the pipeline. I write every day. It’s my hobby and far cheaper than playing golf or going to the pub.

I know my old English teacher would never have imagined that I could pen a book. I can see her now... standing over me, breathing firebrand criticism, ordering all those correction­s and telling me how awful my writing is and that I should grasp my ink pen properly and make those letters vertical so that they almost reach the line above. Then, she would remind me: I am not a writer – just a failed dreamer.

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