Writing Magazine

Dream big, writers!


All writers have dreams, don’t they? Dreams of how we’d like our writing to turn out; dreams of where we’d like it to take us. Dreams of success, on whatever terms that means for us. For some of us, that might mean writing something that’s as good as you can make it – to know you’ve done it, you’ve written the book that you knew was in you. You might dream of getting feedback that says your book touched a chord with a reader, and maybe changed their life just a little bit. It could be a dream of landing a competitio­n win that changes everything. Someone else might dream of signing with an agent, or a three-book deal, or seeing your novel turned into a film by a director you really admire. You might dream of all of all these things – but what are you doing about making those dreams come true?

Dreaming is an intrinsic part of being a writer – we’re creative, imaginativ­e beings by nature.

And yet, how often do we hide that dreaming part of ourselves, and try to protect it by keeping our dreams to ourself, and telling ourselves that they only come true in fairy tales, and not in our own, real lives?

Well, this month we’re here to tell you that not only can you dream big, but you can make it happen. The second part of our three-part series by the brilliant writer and writing coach Sophie Hannah is all about how to make your writing dreams come true, and Sophie is the living example that her theory works – turn to page 6 to discover the story of the success of Sophie’s murder mystery musical and learn how to apply the power of positive thinking to your own writing dreams.

The new issue also contains advice on how to write genre-busting fiction and using plot points to embed drama into your story. You can learn strategies for dealing with different kinds of writer’s block, think about scientific accuracy in crime writing and look at using family letters as material… There are so many strands to the world of writing, and you know what? Most of them started when a writer dreamed, and dared to do something about it. And you can do it, too – we’re there to help you every step of the way.

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Tina Jackson Content Editor

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