Writing Magazine

5 Five quick questions

- with Pam Howes

1. When and where did your journey as an author begin? My journey as an author began over twenty years ago on a trip to Brighton. I’d been reading Georgia by Lesley Pearse and the musical background to the story made me feel I might also be able to write music-based stories. I started to make notes that same day and within six months I’d written my first book called Three Steps to Heaven. I’ve never really looked back, having now completed eighteen novels in total.

2. What is (or has been) your proudest moment as a writer?

My proudest moment was the day I signed my first contract with my publisher Bookouture. It was an amazing feeling to know that someone recognised I really could tell a tale!

3. Who or what is your greatest inspiratio­n?

My inspiratio­n comes from the music I love, from the people around me and the fact that I’m nosy and never miss a trick when overhearin­g conversati­ons that contain little gems I can use in my stories. I love our northern sense of humour, and people like the late Victoria

Wood, Caroline Quentin and Peter Kay had/have a great observatio­nal sense of humour that is perfect for characteri­sation and the type of stories I love to write as well as read.

4. What is coming up next for you, fiction-wise?

I’m just about to start writing a new trilogy based during WW2 and later. The working title is The Cotton Trader Series.

5. What is your top tip for writers still on the journey towards publicatio­n?

My top tip for writers is a simple one. Never give up. No matter how many times you feel like chucking your laptop through a window – DON’T!! And just remember, too, that you are never too old to write. The longer you’ve lived, the more life experience­s you’ve had, and nothing is ever wasted.

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