Writing Magazine

Five quick questions 5

- with Lizzie Lamb

1. When and where did your journey as an author begin?

Like many writers, I’ve been writing most of my life. After taking early retirement from the teaching profession, I joined the Romantic Novelists’ Associatio­n and learned from the best. I wrote Tall Dark and Kilted, quickly followed by Boot Camp Bride. Taking advantage of the publishing revolution, I uploaded both to Amazon, and my journey as an indie author began.

2. What is (or has been) your proudest moment as a writer?

This was receiving the Indie Champion 2023 Award from the RNA in recognitio­n of my own achievemen­ts, and the help and encouragem­ent I’ve given to others to achieve their publishing dreams.

3. Who or what is your greatest inspiratio­n?

Jilly Cooper has always been my writing hero. I love her books and have read them many times. Once, when I considered writing historical novels, I drew inspiratio­n from Georgette Heyer, Jean Plaidy and Rosemary Sutcliffe. However, in the end, I plumped for writing Scottish-themed contempora­ry romance. I grew up in a family of storytelle­rs who loved nothing more than exchanging the craic of an evening. From them, I learned how to engage with an audience and hold their interest: a useful skill for a teacher to have, too!

4. What is coming up next for you, fiction-wise?

Book Eight is underway. Dark Highland Skies has been well received, and I feel there are elements of the characters’ journeys I want to share with my readers. I hope the sequel, which I intend to publish November 2024, will be as well received.

5. What are your top tips for writers still on the journey towards publicatio­n?

Read. Read. Read. Learn from your favourite authors. Deconstruc­t their books and see what attracted you to them; what worked and what didn’t. Write every day, and the words will soon mount up. Connect with other writers – their support is priceless. Remember, it’s your dream, and only you can achieve it. So glue yourself to your chair and, with luck and tenacity, you’ll get there.

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