Yorkshire Post - Property

Fruit flies top the list of pests in our homes


A new study has found that the UK’s most Googled pest problem is fruit flies.

The creature tops the list for the most searched pest at the end of the phrase “how to get rid of…”.

Research by 24/7 Pest Control found that other top searches are fleas, bed bugs and rats. Fifth place belongs to mice, followed by wasps.

Searches on how to eradicate fruit flies total more than 19,000 on average each month and spikes each year in August.

The flies are especially common toward the end of summer because they are attracted to ripened or fermenting fruits and vegetables – making foods like bananas, potatoes and onions, which are often unrefriger­ated, a key source of contaminat­ion.

Fleas provoke a similar late-summer spike with searches at their highest in August and September.

A spokespers­on for 24/7 Pest Control said: “These results show that a pest doesn’t need to be big to cause problems. Fleas and bedbugs can be particular­ly difficult to get rid of, so the infestatio­n can eat away at you in more ways than one.

“Although people might feel embarrasse­d about their pest problems, the volume of monthly searches shows that they’re very common across the country.”

If you want rid of fruit flies, which can get into your home via fresh fruit and vegetables, be sure to wash those items before storing them.

If these pests have already infiltrate­d, traps can be set for them. Take a jar and put something inside to attract them, such as over-ripe fruit or cider vinegar. Cover the jar with cling film and poke some small holes in it. The tiny flies will be able to get in, but not out.

Lakeland sell a fruit fly trap for £5.99. It has a non-toxic formula and is safe for use on kitchen worktops or close to food.

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