Yorkshire Post - Property

Promises, promises but action, not words is what we need


SPEAKING at the Conservati­ve party conference this week, Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communitie­s, revealed that planning reform is on the agenda and said that the Government is on track to deliver a million new homes during this parliament.

He also stressed that more homes need to be built, although there was no mention of last year’s controvers­ial decision to scrap house-building targets.

He went on to state that there is a need for every family to have a safe, decent, warm home and for many more young people to have a home of their own and who could disagree with that? The challenge is how to make it happen.

Mr Gove’s mission to protect greenbelt land by ensuring homes are built in the hearts of towns and cities and on brownfield land was also reiterated and it is laudable but how realistic is another matter.

He also promised to ensure that newbuild homes are energy efficient, zero carbon ready and built to the highest aesthetic standards.

Timothy Douglas, head of policy and campaigns at Propertyma­rk, the profession­al body for estate agents, said: “The Conservati­ve Party’s record in government means we are continuing to talk about building more homes that the country desperatel­y needs. Reforming planning, new homes to net zero and more affordable places to live are vital, but we need action now.

“The party of home ownership also needs to be the party of renting, which means a whole-scale review of taxes impacting landlords and investment in the private rented sector.”

Meanwhile, the building safety scandal didn’t merit a mention in Mr Gove’s speech. Campaigner­s say apartment blocks eligible for remediatio­n are “not being fixed at any real pace” and those in fire risk blocks less than 11 metres high are still not eligible for help.

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