Yorkshire Post - Property

The Yorkshire Exorcist, a market update and a sad loss


THIS week offers a diverse array of stories, including our main feature which is all about a programme on the Really TV channel. The Yorkshire Exorcist features Ian Lawman, a Church of England ordained minister and exorcist who rids homes, objects and people of malevolent entities.

For those rolling their eyes, as I am often wont to do, his story and his experience­s are persuasive and they all involve God, prayer and holy water with great success. It’s not a job you’ll find a careers adviser suggesting so how did Ian land the job? Read the feature and find out, it’s all there.

Also this week, we look at house prices and the property market, which is showing a slight shift in the right direction, though we must forget all about ultra-low interest rates, which are highly unlikely to return, sadly for those desperate to get on the property ladder.

Higher rates shouldn’t hamper the sale of our Inside Story house. It is in Mickleby, a village I’d never heard of until this week but which is in a superb spot within a few minutes’ drive from some of Yorkshire’s best beaches. The property has been beautifull­y renovated.

Finally and with sadness, we note that the funeral of Charles Smailes, who died peacefully earlier this month, will be held at 1.15pm on Monday, October 30 at the Church of All Saints, Ripley. The family requests no flowers but a collection will be taken after the service for St Michael’s Hospice.

Charles was much loved and spent 57 years in the industry and establishe­d the estate agency Feather, Smailes & Scales in 1994.

He also helped set up the National Federation of Property Profession­als, now PropertyMa­rk, lectured in property auctioneer­ing and helped found the Harrogate Families Housing Associatio­n, which provides quality accommodat­ion to vulnerable homeless families.

A sad loss but what a life well lived.

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